Smile in the Sky

Look at that smile.
Hovering in the sky.
As cloud drift.
To let the moon illuminate.
There is your path.
Cross it now.
Then you will finally see.
The moon's reflection going past the tree.
So please.
Ignore the house you see.
There is no need to go inside.
Ignore the living tapestry.
Of safety in these forlorn woods.
Don't ever look at the smile in the sky.
You will see it creeping closer.
Don't ever go in the house.
And wonder why.
You did not pretend like it never existed.
You decide to step into the door.
Normal family settings.
But creaking floor.
This seems to be a living tapestry.
Until you hear the sounds of moans.
And the sounds of screams.
Get out of this place.
Even though you're lost.
And wish help would make haste.
Don't go upstairs.
Into that room.
Because curiosity kills you.
And it spells your doom.
Don't look at the smile in the sky.
You will see it creeping closer.
Don't ever go in the room.
And wonder why.
You did not pretend it ever existed.
You walk into the room.
It's dark and cold.
You continue to walk inside.
Even though everything tells you not to.
Don't say nobody warned you now.
Then you look up slowly and see why.
Curiosity kills you.
As you see people.
Hanging by chains and wires.
Drip goes the blood.
As hearts stop.
As the door closes behind you.
There is no escape now.
As the smell of burning flesh.
Burns your eyes.
Laughter greets your ears.
That is laced with a burning desire.
You turn around.
And you will see.
That smile in the sky.
Was right behind you.
Orphan girls know how to have so much fun.
Lets play pretend.
In a game.
Where I kill you.
Little orphan girls.
Want to kill you.
For your flesh.
So they can eat you.
Their parents are no longer there.
To have fun.
They abandoned them.
So they want you to stay forever.
Don't look at that smile in the sky.
You will see it's creeping closer.
Don't ever go in the house.
And wonder why.
You could not pretend like it never existed.